Hypospadias World Congress Moscow

30.08 – 01.09.2017

with the 7th International Congress of ISHID

Tuesday, 29.08.2017

Registration – from 15:00h at the Grand Marriott Hotel

Welcome Reception 19:00h at the Grand Marriott Hotel.

All Participants are welcomed

Venue: Grand Marriott Hotel, Moscow

Registration – from 08:00

Opening Ceremony 08:30- 09:00h

Prof. Asaad Matar, Prof. Devendra Gupta, Prof. Ahmed Hadidi, Professor Irina Kazanskaya

Wednesday, 30.08.2017

Session 1 Basic Science 09:00-11:00h

Chairmen: Emir Haxhija, Christopher Long, Munther Haddad

09:00- 09:20  Embryology, Anatomy and Pathogenesis of hypospadias Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

09:20- 10:30  Discussion

09:30- 09:45  Genetic factors in Hypospadias. Loes van der Zanden (Netherlands)

09:45- 10:00  Envirnmental factors in Hypospadias Nicolas Kalfa (France).

10:00- 10:05  Anatomy of the glans Penis; A New Principle? Oleg V. Staroverov (Russia).

10:05- 10:10  Anatomy of the glans Penis; MRI documentation & Surgical Implications Hüseyin Özbey (Turkey).

10:10- 10:20  Discussion

10:20- 10:25  Anogenital distance; is it a marker for severity? Alexander Springer (Austria)

10:30- 10:35  Median Raphe anomaly and Megameatus Intact Prepuce. Mohamed Fahmy (Egypt).

10:35- 10:40  Prepuce; Is it an acquired structure? Mohamed Fahmy (Egypt).

10:40- 10:50  Discussion

10:50- 10:55  The Urethral Plate Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

Coffee Break 1: 11:00-11:30h

Session 2  Chordee 11:30-12:30h

Chairmen: Moneer Hanna, Nicolas Kalfa, Alexander Springer

11:30-11:45   Management of Chordee, How we do it? Christopher Long (USA)

11:45-12:00   Management of Chordee, How we do it? Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

12:00- 12:10  Management of Chordee, How we do it? Ibrahim Ulman (Turkey)

12:10- 12:20  The use of Foreskin to correct Penile Curvature. Oleg Staroverov, Asaad Matar (Russia)

12:20-12:30   Discussion


Session 3 Miscelleneous 12:30-13:30h

Chairmen: Mark Davenport, Ranj Khaffaf, Yurii Rudin

12:30-12:50   Robotics in Pediatric Urology. Munther Haddad (UK)

12:50-13:00   History of circumcision. Amin Gohary (United Arab Emirates)

13:00-13:10   Ambiguity of genitalia; A paradigm shift in India. Devendra Gupts (India)

13:10-13:15   A case for caudal block in Hypospadias. Ranj Khaffaf, Mr Ahmed Al-Mousawi, Dr Salahuddin Qureshi  (UK)

13:15-13:20   Buried Penis: 3 level fixation technique. Ahmed Zaghloul (Egypt)

13:20-13:25   Penile injuries in children. Vikesh Agrawal, Dr. Kishore Panjwani, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. Lakhan Singh Galav (India)

13:25-13:30   Hypospadias Counseling: Is it difficult in a region where Fertility and religious factors are important? Irfan Khattak, Dr Sajjad Ahmed, Dr Haider Kamran (Pakistan)

Lunch Break 1: 13:30-14:30h

Session 4 Glanular Hypospadias 14:30-15:30h

Chairmen: Devendra Gupta, Hüseyin Özbey, Oleg Staroverov

14:30-14:40   Should we operate on Glanular Hypospadias? Alexander Springer (Austria)

14:40-14:50   Urethral advancement Technique. Long Term results. Emir Haxhija (Austria)

14:50-15:00   Urethral advancement: a century-plus and still going strong. Seref Etker (Turkey)

15:00-15:10   Hypospadias repair with the glanular-frenular collar (GFC) technique. Hüseyin Özbey (Turkey).

15:10-15:20   Double Y Glanuloplasty (DYG) Technique for Glanular Hypospadias. Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

15:20-15:30   Discussion

Session 5 Distal Hypospadias 15:30-16:30h

Chairmen: Asaad Matar, Seref Etker, Amin Gohary, Sergei Zorkin

15:30-15:40   Nuances of Distal Hypospadias repair. Devendra Gupta (India)

15:40-15:50   Slit-Like Adjusted Mathieu (SLAM) Technique for Distal Hypospadias. Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

15:50-16:00  TIP and GTIP for distal and  midshaft  hypospadias repair. Y.E.Rudin, D.V.Marukhnenko, D.K.Aliev, G.V.Lagutin, A.B.Vardak (Russia)

16:00- 16:10  Analysis of Post-operative Complications over 40 Years has changed our Approach of Urethroplasty. Oleg V. Staroverov , Irina V. Kazanskaya (Russia).

16:10-16-20   FII technique (Modified Hodson II) for distal hypospadias. A.K. Faizulin, A.E. Mashkov, S.M. Sharkov, A.A. Sobolevsky, A.B. Sobolevsky, V.V. Chuprikov, L.A. Strelkina, P.A. Kolosova (Russia)

16:20-16:30   The Value of Double Dartos Flaps to protect tubularized incised plate urethroplasty. Ahmed H. Al Salem (Saudi Arabia)

16:30-16:40    One stage Penile hypospadias repair; A single center experience of 483 cases. Sergei Zorkin, Dmitriy Shahnovskiy (Russia)

Coffee Break 2: 16:40-17:00

Panel 1: Distal Hypospadias from around the world 17:00-18:30h

Chairmen: Moneer Hanna, Ahmed Hadidi, Alexei Zhivov

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in Russia (10 min). Asaad Matar

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in USA     (10 min).  Christopher Long

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in Greece (10 min).Alexander Passalides

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in Austria (10 min). Alexander Springer

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in Romania(10 min). Andrea Moga

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in Hungary (10 min).  Laszlo Pirot

–      Current management of Distal Hypospadias in Emirates (10 min). Seif Eslam

–      Current management of  Hypospadias      in Uzbekistan (10 min). A.M.Shamsiev, J.A.Shamsiev, E.S. Daniyarov

Thursday, 31.08.2017

Venue: Grand Marriott Hotel, Moscow

Session 6: Hyposspadias International Society 09:00-10:00h

Chairmen: Moneer Hanna, Seref Etker, Mark Davenport, Saber Waheeb

09:00- 09:10  Hypospadias International Society; A New Star is born. Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

09:10- 09:25  “Medical Writing in the English-Speaking World”, “Publish or Perish” Mark Davenport (UK).

09:30- 09:45  Role of social media in Hypospadias Surgery. Alexander Springer (Austria)

09:45-10:00   Discussion

Session 7: Proximal & Perineal Hyposspadias 10:00-11:30h

Chairmen: Azad Mathur, Ibrahim Ulman, Laura Balanescu, Ahmed Zaghloul

10:00- 10:20 “Proximal hypospadias: meeting the promise to our patients” Christopher Long, (USA)

10:30- 10:40  Options for the management of proximal hypospadias. Devendra Gupta (India).

10:40- 10:50  Testosterone use between the first & second stage Bracka 2 Stage repair. Azad Mathur, Burdall O, Seager R (UK)

10:50- 11:00  Proximal hypospadias; one stage vs Two stage repair. Y.Rudin, D. Maruhenko, G.Lagutin, A.Vardak, D. Aliev (Russia)

11:00- 11:10  Horton-Devine repair for proximal hypospadias. Ewa Wajszczuk, B. Jurkiewicz, J. Samotyjek, K. Załęska (Poland).

11:10- 11:30  Perineal Hypospadias. Back to the future. Chordee Excision and Distal Urethroplasty (CEDU) Ahmed Hadidi (Germany).

11:30- 11:40  Use of Tissue Engineering in Proximal hypospadias. A.K. Faizulin, I.V. Poddubny, S.G. Vrublyovsky, O.S. Shmyrov, O.S. Rogovaya, P.A. Kolosova, L.A. Strelkina, A.V. Kononov (Russia)


Coffee Break 3: 11:40-12:00h

Session 8: Complications of hypospadias repair 12:00-13:30h

Chairmen: Asaad Mataer, Munther Haddad, Mohamed Fahmy, Vikesh Agrawal,

12:00-12:15   Hypospadias complications: prevention and repair. Ibrahim Ulman (Turkey)

12:15- 12:30  Management of hypospadias Complications – our experience. A. Matar, N. Serednitskaya, A. Arzanova, M. Omarov, N. Berezko, M. Dadaev, (Russia)

12:30-12:40    Management of complicated hypospadias. M.I.Abdibekov, Т.А.Shasaitov, E.B.Salayev, (Kazakhstan).

12:40-12:50    Management of complicated hypospadias in Romania. Florin B. Djendov, Andreea A. Moga, Laura Balanescu (Romania)

12:50-13:00    Roll of cystoscopy in assessment of complicated hypospadias. Andrea Moga, Florin B. Djendov, Laura Balanescu (Romania)

13:00-13:15    Hypospadias Complications. Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

Lunch Break 2: 13:30-14:30

Session 9 Assessment & Long Term follow up 14:30-15:30h

Chairmen: Alexander Springer, Christopher Long, Kishore Panjwani

14:30-14:45   Long term results following repair of hypospadias. Devendra Gupta (India).

14:45-15:00   Assessment Scores and Guidelines. Ahmed Hadidi (Germany)

15:00-15:10   Patients Satisfaction Survey. Ahmed Al-Mousawi, Ranj Khaffaf, Ann Gardiner, Devvrat Katechia, Salahuddin Qureshi, Chellaya Ramanathan, Haroon Siddiqui (UK)

15:10-15:20   Long Term Follow-up of Hypospadias Repair – A Single Centre Retrospective Study. Kishore Panjwani, Vikesh Agrawal, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dr. Lakhan Singh Galav (India).

15:20-15:30    Discussion

Session 10  Hypospadias Surgery in Adults 15:30-16:30h

Chairmen: Amin Gohary, Irfan Khattak, Mikhail Kogan, Alexei Zhivov

15:30-15:50   Long term results & Management of 220 adolescents and adults with complications of hypospadias repair during childhood. Moneer Hanna (USA).

16:00-16:15   Hypospadias Surgery in Adults. Does it differ than in Children? Ahmed Hadidi (Germany).

 16:15-16-25   Hypospadias complications in Adults. Kogan M.I., Mitusov V.V., Kasumov F.R., Mirzaev Z.A., Ismailov R.S.  (Russia).

16:25-16-30   Can we improve Penile function in senior years? Maysarra Bahja (UK)

Coffee Break 4: 16:30-17:00h

Hypospadias Forum: How to improve our knowledge, results and service to children? Input from around the world 17:00-18:30h

Moderators: Ahmed Hadidi, Seref Etker, Alexander Springer

–      Points for future research

–      Universal assessment scores

–      Muli-center studies

–      Hypospadias registry

–      Website and e-Journal

–      Hypospadias Diploma and Exam

–      Consultation through social media

–      Next Hypospadias World Congress

–      Hypospadias Centers


Gala Dinner & River Cruise 20:00h

Places are limited. Pease buy tickets at the Registration Desk on Tuesday, August 29.

The Dinner is formal with Jacket and Tie

Friday, 01.09.2017 Live Hypospadias Surgery

Venue: “Meidicina” Clinic (10 min walk from the Grand Marriott Hotel)

08:00- 08:30  Tour around “Medicina” Clinic

08:30- 08:45  Welcome by the president of JSC “Medicina” Clinic – Prof. Grigory Roytberg

Operative session 1

Moderators: Ahmed Hadidi, Alexander Springer, Amin Gohary, Saber Waheeb

08:45- 09:00  Hypospadias Grades & Surgical Techniques

09:00-10:00   Surgery for Glanular Hypsoapdias

10:00- 11:00  Surgery for Distal Hypospadias

Surgery for Buried Penis

Coffee Break

Operative session 2

Moderators: Seref Etker, Nicolas Kalfa, Mohamed Fahmy, Ahmed Zaghloul

11:00-11:15   The story of (X) symbol in medicine Amin Gohary (Emirates)

11:15-13:00   Surgery for Proximal Hypospadias

Lunch Break

Operative session 3

Moderators: Moneer Hanna, Kishore Panjwani, Ahmed Al Salem, Azad Mathur

13:00-15:00 Surgery for Perineal Hypospadias

Coffee Break

Operative session 4

Moderators: Ranj Khaffaf, Kishore Panjwani, Emir Haxhija

15:00-17:00 Surgery for complicated Hypospadias

Closing Remarks & Distribution of Certifcates




Grand Marriott Hotel: 26/1 Tverskaya Street, „Tverskaya“ metro station (вставить карту с меткой!)

“Medicina” Clinic: 10, 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskoy pereulok, „Mayakovski“ metro station (вставить карту с меткой)



President of the Local Commitee:

Prof. Dr. Asaad Matar

Whatsapp: +7 (963) 782 8093

+7 (926) 898 8884


Congress Coordinator:

Alyona Arzanova

+7 (926) 898 8884

+7 (963) 996 30 00